Privacy Notice
In addition to guaranteeing the best experiences in the kitchen garden, we at all are particularly concerned about the protection of your personal data.
You've already heard about it.
On 25 May 2018 the GDPR entered into force, namely the General Regulation on Data Protection.
Below you find a quick summary, practical and simple.
- Who, what, why, how - we let you know who collects what data and for what purpose, as well as keeping you up to date on how we use them and what happens when we no longer need them.
Your data (name surname, address and telephone number) are saved in our database, with encrypted and not accessible passwords.
- Cookies - why we use them, what kind of cookies it is and what information they convey.
- Contact us - we will let you know how to contact our manager and the authorities responsible for the protection of personal data.
You can contact us at, registered as tuttosemi
- Rights - we have collected and listed all your personal data rights under the new GDPR.
The new Terms of Use and Confidentiality Rules will be valid as of May 25, 2018, the same day on which the GDPR comes into force. For more information, do not hesitate to contact our manager at the e-mail address
All your rights can be found here --> click HERE
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