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  Tuttosemi was born as a result of the personal search for ancient seeds and rare seeds that are now almost impossible to find, something different but which was once the norm, combined with the passion for Bio Diversity, a very important heritage, as it is life !

         We offer one of the largest selections of ancient, rare, local as well as the most well-known and recent seeds ranging from the 14th to the present and our catalogs now feature over 1,200 beautiful varieties.

   It is possible to buy very small quantities, for small gardens, small needs or gardens on the balcony.

Or the XL envelopes, new for 2021, which we will implement in the months to come.

 Every purchase helps the survival of Bio Diversity, and we firmly believe that every single vegetable garden or container helps the world, one pot at a time ...

Tuttosemi has, among our various missions, that of making seeds available to everyone, to create a sustainable food self-sustenance, and to keep ancient varieties alive for future generations.

             We believe that, like us, farmers, gardeners and communities can and should preserve seed diversity and food security in an age of corporate farming and patented, hybridized or genetically modified seeds.

 We can ship all over Europe, thanks also to different locations located in different countries.

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